Product Module

Analyse client needs, compare products and determine the optimal portfolio for your clients while also meeting your best interest duty.
The Product module includes access to Morningstar and ASX daily and historical pricing, asset allocation pricing, unit price and fund performance information, as well as Morningstar product profiles.
The Product module helps you quickly run comprehensive product comparisons and analysis.
Product Comparison
Run a true like-for-like comparison and reduce time spent on product research from hours to under 30 minutes.
The new Product Comparison feature allows you to run a like-for-like product comparison in AdviceOS, making it quick and easy to conduct product research and helping you meet your best interests duty for your clients.
Click here to find out more.
Total Portfolio Analysis
With the Total Portfolio Analysis feature you can perform comprehensive like-for-like comparisons and projections of superannuation, pension and investment portfolios, all in one place.
Click here to find out more.
FundsBase provides access to fees and features research on over 1300 superannuation, pension and non-super investment platforms.
(FundsBase is included for all users as part of the CRM module but accessed through the Product menu in AdviceOS).